YOU ARE MY CHOSEN ONE! From my post in FB , I’ve been chased by Shaklee, YL and MJ agents. Not sure why Ronella agent didn’t get me huhu. I’ve finally made up my mind and guess what I’ve chosen??? It’s MARY JARDIN! Why? I FALL IN LOVE with MJ the moment I read more details about it. Reasons: a. Chemical-free. Since I’ve started to incorporate natural, chemical-free products in my daily life - be it food, skincare etc, I found out about MJ early of this year. This brand is also NOT like any other agent-based skincare brand in Malaysia that uses tonnes of chemicals. Since I’m also a Mary Jardin user myself now, I can feel that this is the brand that walk its talk. Why chemical-free?? I’ll share in the next posts, insyaAllah.. b. Founder. The husband and wife duo are really inspiring. Ex-medical doctors with such big dreams. Follow Maryam Aziz to get to know more about her. Also her blog (currently inactive). Dr Maryam herself is such an inspiring mother of two. Oh and you...