Alhamdulillah, Hurrera's aqiqah was successfully held during last Hari Raya Haji. Thanks to everyone that's helping out especially my mother and father that work more than myself in organizing this event. It was held at my parents' house. It was indeed a beautiful event :) Minus the hot weather of course. My very rajin pregnant sister The menu served was nasi beriyani, chicken dish, dalca, ayam berempah, etc and the main star is of course the lamb! Gulai kambing :) This is my mother's first time engaging this caterer as our usual caterer had other commitment during that time. It's not bad after all. And this is my first time doing my own deco for an event. Thought of renting a dais but no, I want to cut cost. So DIY it is! Was very proud with this wall of fame that I made from scratch <3 Garlands, honeycomb balls, paper fans, balloons and tissue pompom bought at Spotlight and Party Wonderland Baby girl could not let off her finge...