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Me Being a Lactation Consultant


Do I want to become one?

At the moment, no. But I love to read and share breastfeeding knowledge with mommies out there, especially the ones who's still in confinement.

Earlier of this week, a friend of mine who has just given birth about a week texted me, asking on breastfeeding.

Her situation is like this. She does direct feeding, but at the same time she pump out her breast milk and supply her son with EBM. At the end of the day she still top up with formula milk. She observed that her baby needs 3-3.5oz per feeding. Each time she pump she can obtain about 3 oz. Then she was sad because she can't fully BF her child because she thought her milk supply is insufficient. She asked me on how to boost up milk production.

I can see few problems here:
1. During confinement, why would you want to pump out your breast milk if you or your baby do not have any medical condition?
2. 3-3.5oz is too much for a newborn. You should teach your child to take less, before he/ she get used to be overfed. If not, in the future, you have to catch up with too high demand for your baby which is due to your own way of feeding him/ her. Giving milk in smaller amount but frequent is better than bigger amount but less frequent.
3. Formula supply will only interfere with breast milk production, as formula tends to make your baby feel full for a longer time since it's harder to digest compared to breast milk. Therefore, baby will be less asking for milk thus less stimulation from baby's suck.
4. Consistent baby crying should be expected when he/ she is still too small. He/ she just came out of your warm womb, always in movement with you and stayed in cocoon position. He/ she's just not used to a whole different world outside. Therefore not all crying should be associated with hunger. And by offering you breast to him/ her, doesn't mean that he/ she suck for milk only.Sucking for comfort is also baby's favourite.

Therefore considering the points above, I asked my friend to stop supplementing her child with formula milk, which is really unnecessary because she produced a lot of milk. 3 oz is such a big bless. Normally people will only have 1-2oz per session during confinement. She also should not pump first during these early days. Remember that direct feeding is the best since the milk is fresh and sterile. Baby's stimulation is the best.

So to mommies out there, don't jump into conclusion too fast saying you're a low milk producer. You should first assess the situation - whether you're a working mommy, is the baby with you all the time, how old is the baby, etc etc.. All those would affect your yield per pump. So take it easy :)

Goodluck in breastfeeding!

Till then.



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