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Kenapa Anda Perlu Minum Air

Saya percaya kalau anda nak sihat, nak cantik, anda perlu menjaga pemakanan anda, sebelum merawat badan anda dengan PRODUK KECANTIKAN! Hari ini saya takkan menulis pasal makanan atau diet seimbang, tapi mengenai AIR!

Badan anda perlukan air dalam sel, organ dan tisu untuk mengawal suhu dan mengekalkan fungsi tubuh. Anda kena minum air sebab anda kehilangan air melalui pernafasan, perpeluhan dan perkumuhan. SANGAT PENTING untuk anda REHYDRATE dengan meminum air ataupun makan makanan yang mengandungi air.

Air penting untuk:

1. Flushing out TOXINS! Anda singkirkan toksin melalui peluh dan urine - which content is mostly water!

2. Improves SKIN COMPLEXION <3 Sape taknak kulit cantik kan..Air penting untuk anda lembapkan kulit, keep it FRESH, lembut dan GLOWING!It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!

 Pencernaan start dekat air liur, which is air, enzyme yang ada dlm air liur tu akan tolong hancurkan makanan dan larutkan mineral dan nutrient so badan kita senang serap. Air pun penting untuk kita digest fiber. Kalau ada air, senang sikit fiber nak larut.. Kalau tak cukup air dan serat kan mudah sembelit :p Kalau nak usus sihat kena minum air.

For pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, you should increase your water intake. Pregnant mother would frequently pee, that's why you need to replenish.. Breastfeeding mothers would have to drink more because they're supplying milk, which content is mostly water. I remember after giving birth to Hurrera, I always felt so thirsty. I always have that 2L water tumbler with me :)
Rasanya ada beribu-ribu lagi fungsi air, but at the moment, I share 3 only ok.

Let's make drinking plain water as a habit :) From now on, I also pledge to drink more plain water and avoid sugary drink :)



Kalau rasa minum air dah cukup dan nak lagi cantik, boleh try MARY JARDIN :p

#sharingbynina #maryjardinbynina #mjbynina


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